Chris picks up! Give him a call, leave him a message, shoot him a text, and he will make time to speak with you.
Chris has lived in Lake Worth for nearly 30 years. He has a doctorate in soil science and is a dedicated advocate for protecting our environment. With his background in science, Chris takes fact-finding to make informed decisions very seriously.
He has spent over a decade fighting against million-dollar giveaways to wealthy developers to better focus tax-payer dollars on the people of Lake Worth Beach!
As a dedicated stepfather and husband, Chris knows what it takes to support a family in this city. The cost-of-living crisis has been terrible for our community. Chris worked to lower rates.
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Standing Up For Our Town & Moving Our Community Forward!
Chris successfully pushed the Electric Utility to create —and fund— a Storm Fund to speed recovery after storms and a Rate Stabilization Fund to protect you from spikes in market fuel costs.
Chris got the moratorium on rooftop solar lifted, blocked a wasteful solar power limiter, and allowed system sizing to accommodate EVs. His successful push for the maximum in utility-scale solar brings you cheaper electricity, with 20-year price stability— And the environment benefits!
The deal that was struck to allow for the parking and traversing of trucks on our beach during our busy season was ill-conceived from the beginning. Chris got that terrible vote overturned by showing that it violated a city charter voted on by the people.
Chris introduced and got a unanimous vote for committing our Electric Utility to carbon-free power; 60% by 2030 and 100% by 2045. Required reporting suggests we will be ahead of the 2030 goal. This saves us $$$, allows LWB businesses to claim “green creds,” and does our part for the planet.
I will continue to ask thoughtful questions and not back down from my responsibility to safeguard the public interest.
Your tax dollars should be invested in our roads, our community pool, and amenities that benefit us all. For too long, our tax dollars have padded the pockets of developers. I will fight tirelessly to end that practice.
Resch, Malega, and May have steadily voted to erode public input at meetings. Attacking your right to be heard is unacceptable.
More mangrove islands, turning neglected land into park space, upgrading and adding public restrooms. I will advocate relentlessly for our community spaces.
Official Website Paid For & Approved by the Campaign to Re-Elect Christopher McVoy for District 2 Commissioner